Discover the environmental impact of your products. Learn more

360° Product LCA & Compliance Solution for Apparel & Footwear Brands

5 pillars to support your products’ environmental journey

Get Started
Get the environmental score of your apparel & footwear products

16 impacts in one score: proprietary PEF scoring algorithm developed by LCA experts

Our solution brings you a state-of-the-art concentrate of product environmental assessment methodology, databases and regulations.

From your first product assessment, get the PEF score and its 16 associated impacts.


Suppliers and raw materials information centralized in one place

Environmental compliance solution

Manage regulatory compliance for your products both in France and the EU with our PEF-native compliance platform.

PEFtrust® generates product labels in compliance with environmental transparency regulations.

Customizable e-commerce plugin: enjoy standardized environmental labelling directly embedded into your product description pages.


The mutliple capabilities of our evironmental labels editing tool

Automated data processing

Collect and centralize all required Apparel & Footwear product information in one place, by connecting our secured SaaS platform your IT tools.

The step 2 of PEFtrust® solution : controlling the data of your textile products

Implement product evaluation and ESG Scope 3 strategy

Step into the product environmental scoring era while keeping the focus on your core business. PEFtrust gives brands greater control over their processes and operations.

Consolidate environmental performance from the Product level up to your company’s ESG Scope 3 with a wide range of dashboards and KPIs


Our solution is available anytime

Stay in control

PEFtrust® is live 24/7, start now and update your project at any time.

Always up to date, our team of experts is there to incorporate state-of-the-art LCA principles, regulations and databases.