Eco-score whitepaper : the method from Fashion Product to Environmental Labelling

Fashion Products Eco-score

Environmental Labelling : the step by step method to measure the Eco-score of your fashion, sport and homewear products.

Reminder about Environmental Labelling for Fashion, Sports and Homewear products

Environmental Labelling: a consumer information system based on the Eco-score
supporting the concept of Green Claims.

As the demand for eco-friendly clothing and transparency about production method and materials has been growing for several years, more and more brands are implementing environmental labelling systems.

Their purpose is both to :

👉🏼 bring consumers better information about the environmental footprint of the products they purchase,

👉🏼 and to comply with new regulations coming into force (Such as European Green Deal, French AGEC and Climat & Résilience).

To help you better understand this subject, we have created a step-by-step guide on how to measure the Ecoscore of your fashion, sports and homewear products.

So, to accompany your sustainable strategy, we will answer the following 3 questions, which represent the 3 main parts of your white paper:

1. How to calculate the Environmental Score of your products ?

The first step towards Environmental Labelling

The Environmental Score is a measure of the environmental impact of a product resulting from
an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method.

This is the first step towards the standardized Eco-score used in the environmental labelling.

In this section, discover how to identify the environmental score of your apparel or footwear products using the PEF method.

Also, the PEF method is the most specific, complete and comparable LCA method, recommended by the European Commission since 2021.

2. How to go from Environmental Score to Eco-score ?

The second step towards Environmental Labelling

The Eco-score is a standardized Environmental Score that allows you to compare your product to a product
from the same category (ex: 2 tee-shirts) or from another category (ex: 1 tee-shirt and 1 pair of pants)

As the Nutriscore for food, it is illustrated with a letter from A to E and/or a color from green to red.

This Ecoscore, if based on consistent data and certified methodology, can then be used as the bedrock of your environmental labelling strategy, to convey robust environmental claims about your products to the consumers

3. How to implement environmental Labelling : 4 practical tips

In this last part, we detail 4 good practices to facilitate the implementation of the environmental labelling in your structure: 

And it’s not over yet, stay connected, 2 other whitepapers will be published very soon!

Upcoming whitepapers about product Ecoscore

👉🏼 From Theory to Practice : Implementation of the environmental labelling with the illustrated case of Lagoped.

👉🏼 From Environmental Labelling to Durability.

How can PEFtrust help you measure the Ecoscore of your fashion products?

By creating Peftrust®, a BtoB SaaS platform, our ambition was to help Fashion, Sports and Homewear brands implement Ecoscore, Ecodesign and Environmental Display on their products.

✅ With Peftrust®, you’ll be able to:

Finally, we hope you enjoy reading it and that it will provide you with the concrete elements necessary to implement a product environmental labelling strategy in your organization.

You need to be accompanied for implementing in your company the method to measure products Eco-score? contact us at